Project Overview
In July 2022, the City of Pico Rivera completed its first HyRAP® Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) on Asphalt Rubber Aggregate Membrane (ARAM) project. Gerald (Gerry) Montgomery, City of Pico Rivera Deputy Director of Public Works, shared some information about the project.
Here is what Gerry (GM) had to say:
Q: Why did Pico Rivera decide to use HyRAP® HMA?
GM: First, the sustainability of HyRAP® HMA grabbed our attention. Using recycled asphalt is the right thing to do for our residents, businesses, and the environment.
The cost savings were also very motivating. HyRAP® HMA over ARAM was used in place of reconstructing very damaged streets. The cost savings of avoiding reconstruction allowed us to stretch our paving budget. Our most damaged streets were repaired, and additional streets that we hadn’t believed we had budget for were able to be included. It was a great and successful project.
Q: How does HyRAP® HMA help Pico Rivera better serve its constituents?
GM: Times have changed. It used to be that folks left for work in the morning and came back in the evenings. We had all day to get our work done. Now, with more people working from home, residents need access to their driveways and streets all day long. This product lets us to do that. HyRAP® HMA over ARAM is a long-lasting street restoration solution that also allows our residents to be back using the roads as soon as we are done.
Q: And how do the new streets drive?
GM: HyRAP® HMA over ARAM looks and drives like a brand-new street. It is quiet and smooth compared to the traditional slurry seal. It is also resistant to scuffing and we do not see the same track marks that we typically see with slurry seal.
Q: Pico Rivera has older McAdam streets, which can make reconstruction tricky. How did HyRAP® HMA work on these streets?
GM: HyRAP® HMA over ARAM works beautifully on our McAdam streets. The streets we chose would have previously been full reconstruction candidates because of the McAdam, which takes a lot of time and a lot of money.
The HyRAP® added to the structural integrity of the streets and we expect that it will allow us to stretch the service life of these streets significantly.
Q: How was the overall project process for the City?
GM: Working with MAI was a great experience. They did extensive outreach to the residents and were extremely responsive to both City and resident concerns. The project was on time and on budget.